Skateboarding doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Skaters are not idle witnesses to the comings and goings of everyday life. Rather, we are willing and visible participants in the world around us. Over the last decade, it’s been inspiring to see skate culture grow and mature as we learn to openly address and confront racism, sexual prejudice, and injustice within our industry and communities. The killing of George Floyd sparked the greatest civil unrest since the long hot summers of 1967 and 1968. And skaters were visibly in the mix, participating in larger protests and organizing independent “Push for Peace” events in solidarity. As the streets simmered in the month of June, many skaters started asking questions about what kinds of next steps need to be taken. Over several recent discussions, my friends at Atlas acknowledged that it wasn’t enough to be the neighborhood skate shop. The Atlas crew made it clear that they wanted to establish an ongoing commitment towards racial and social justice within their community and beyond. While not necessarily having major financial backing, or connections of a large corporation, getting creative seemed to be the best way to make the most of this effort. So we got together and collaborated with our artist friends that are active in the skateboarding community including Sasha Barr, Jerome McCaskill, Jarrod Bryan, Steve Green and Nate Hooper to create a capsule that we feel reflects the times we’re in. And while the capsule may be a one-off, the commitment is long-term.
– Patrick Kigongo
The decks and t-shirts you see here are available for pre-sale now until August 2nd on the Atlas site. Net proceeds from the sale of these products will not only go to Black Lives Matter, but also to organizations right here in the Bay Area, including Hunter’s Point Family, Girls to Women, Mission Food Hub, and Precita Eyes.
Artwork by Steve Green.
Artwork by Sasha Barr.
Artwork by Jarrod Bryan.
Artwork by Nate Hooper.
Artwork by Jerome McCaskill.
For any additional questions about this initiative please email: